Support Phoenix Recovery Academy
Our supporters are what enable us to serve the Maryland community. Without the contributions of individuals and businesses, we would not be able to carry out our mission. No matter if you are a company or an individual, we have several ways that you can support Phoenix Foundation of Maryland.
Click on a way to support below to learn more
Donate Funds | Donate In Memory Of | Be A Partner In Hope | Scholarship Funds | Participate in An Event | Volunteer | Planned Giving | Organize A Fundraiser | Become A Community Supporter
Donate Funds
Donated funds are much appreciated as we utilize them to support the Phoenix Recovery Academy in providing education and recovery support.

Donate In Memory Of
We know how detrimental it can be to lose a loved one to addiction and therefore feel it’s important to provide a foundation for families to donate in memory of their loved one.

Become a Partner in Hope
Partners In Hope is a capital campaign that allows us to provide scholarships for students through ongoing donations from donors.

Scholarship Funds
Establishing a scholarship fund in memory of a loved one is one way to honor a loved one and provide an opportunity for a student to attend Phoenix Recovery Academy.

Participate in a Fundraising Event
We host a variety of fundraising events throughout Maryland communities. They are a great way to participate with others who support our mission and all monies raised go directly to our programs.

We have a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year and love having volunteers help us with a myriad of tasks. If you would like to know when volunteer opportunities are available, please sign up to receive volunteer opportunity emails.

Planned Giving
Include a gift to the Phoenix Foundation of Maryland in your trust or estate plans and leave future generations a proud legacy – supporting the invaluable work of Phoenix Recovery Academy.

Organize a Fundraiser
It takes a village to continue our mission. While we have fundraisers of our own, we love it when others organize a fundraiser to benefit us! We thank you for putting in the time to help us make a bigger impact!!
Once your fundraiser is complete, feel free to submit the donation below…

Become A Community Supporter
Community Partners play a vital role in helping us carry out our mission. From providing lunches and transportation to helping us raise funds for classroom supplies and field trips, we could not do what we do without their support. Our Community Partners also have the opportunity to have employees donate through voluntary payroll deductions.
If you’d like to support us in making a difference in the community, please request a conversation and we will reach out!